Date A Live Wiki
Date A Live Wiki

The next day, Ragna is hanging out with Tohka. He recalled in his mind the reason for this kind of activity last night after finishing karaoke.

"Ragna..." Kotori called on him.

"What is it, rabbit no.2?" the white-haired man asked. Upon hearing what she is being called by him, she looks annoyed.

"For tomorrow. After Tohka is done with her classes, try to hang out with her."

"Why? Why not Shido?"

"Because... do you remember seeing Tohka's Inverse state?"

"Yes, but what's that got to do with Shido?" Ragna questioned before he realized something. "Wait, do you think...?"

"That's right. Tohka, she's... unstable when she isn't with Shido," Kotori explained. "In fact, before you came here, the last time she transformed was the moment when Shido was transported into a wormhole to another timeline by Mukuro."

"Well, that's some shit he went through to get her Inversed."

"Anyway, I want you to hang out with her for a day. Try to get her to not depend much on him."

"Okay, then."

After recalling the conversation, Ragna takes on close look at Tohka.

This is like the time I hung out with Noel, he thinks with an annoyed expression on his face. Then again, she is like Noel.

"Ragna, what's wrong?" Tohka questioned him.

"It's nothing," was the response. "Let's have something to eat."

"Well, okay."

The two went to a nearby cafe where they ordered their food and drinks.

"Ragna, can I ask you something?" Tohka asked.

"What is it, Tohka?" Ragna is ready to reply to a question.

"From that night, you told me I remind you of a girl from your universe who had no control of herself when she returned to her true form. Tell me about this girl."

"Okay, then. This girl, her name is Noel Vermillion. Like you, she's nice, but also dumb. She looks exactly like my youngest sister, Saya. Well, this is because she is her clone. Anyway, her true form is just like yours, especially when it comes to barely covering her body. Also, unlike your true form, hers is mechanical. In fact, she is a Murakumo Unit, which she's no. 12. Anyway, as of recently, she can transform into that state with her free will, so she now has control of herself while being like that. Well, that's before she became two people literally: herself and her Murakumo form. Eventually, they fused together again, along with some evil entity, and before you know it, she becomes Saya in reincarnation, but she prefers to be called Noel."

"That's... a good story to hear."

"Yeah. You remind me much about her."

As Ragna and Tohka smiled at each other, they could have a great time with each other. The former felt more relaxed during the rest of the week.
